You know what they say, time flies! I can’t believe how fast time does go by and that the last time I wrote on my blog was in October! I am going to try my hardest now in the New Year to write more.
Happy New Year! Our holidays were filled with lots of laughs and giggles and were pretty relaxing. The kids were definitely ready to go back to school and I can’t deny I was also ready to get back to our daily routines.
And in the daily grind is training for a half marathon! I can’t believe that I signed up to run a half marathon! I’m still in shock to think that I will be running 13.1 miles! I joined the Girl Power 2 Cure Rett Team in honor of Anna Cate and asked my friends who I knew were runners if they wanted to join me. I was overwhelmed with joy, when five friends jumped in and said that they would love to be a part of something so special. And then I found out that another friend was already signed up to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon, but she wasn’t running on a team, so she jumped aboard Team Katie’s Fairy Godmothers!
I have to say that the training hasn’t been all that bad. And I never thought that I would say that I actually enjoy running. I do! I love it! I find it to be a great stress reliever and something I can do to clear my head. There are two things that are difficult for me; overcoming my shin splints and continuing past mile nine! After nine miles, my legs are ready to throw in the towel and I can’t blame them! But throughout my training when I wanted to give up and walk, when I was supposed to be running, I would tell myself, Anna Cate doesn’t give up and neither will you. With everything she has been through, a little pain is going to be ok!
We are about 5 weeks away from our girl’s trip to Disney and I am so excited. Having my girlfriends support me on a daily basis is one thing, but to have them join me on this little journey truly means the world to me. They are giving up time with their family to not only go away for the weekend, but train for a half marathon. Their love and commitment to our family is priceless and I am so lucky to have these amazing friends in my life! I can not thank them enough for being by my side when I need them the most. I hope they are ready to peel me off the pavement at mile 13.1!
The kids have been back in school for three weeks and they are having a great year. Anna Cate is still trying to figure out her walking from surgery in September. Honestly, we did not think that we would be having this challenge with her (she walks like she is the leaning Tower of Pisa ). But it is just one of those “enigmas” that she likes to throw our way.
On another note, her sleep has been getting somewhat better, but that is only because I scheduled a sleep study to be performed soon. Naturally, as soon as I schedule a test for an issue, the issue gets better!
Betsie is still dancing and has become a Daisy for Girl Scouts. She has been busy tying up the phone lines calling North, South, East and West selling Girl Scout Cookies. If she hasn’t called you count yourself lucky. If she has, thank you for supporting her troop!
If you would like to order some cookies that we all love, please let me know and I will have my people call your people!
And Eli leaves me laughing every night, well….okay….most nights! He started his soccer class back up and loves every minute of it! I can’t believe that my baby is going to be in JK next year. School contracts came home this week and I can’t believe he only has one more year, before he goes to kindergarten.
Will has been a busy bee at work and is looking forward to his work year ending at the end of the month to take a little time to breathe…I hope!
And I have been busy organizing around the house and thinking of ways to fundraise and create awareness for Rett syndrome for Girl Power 2 Cure in a fun and exciting way. I have also started planning for Camp Amica ! Because before I know it, summer will be here!
Cheers to a Happy and Healthy New Year!