Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Entering the world of blogging!

***On October 21st, 2012, I changed the name of this blog from Her Climb, to Our Everyday.  I not only wanted to blog about our journey with a daughter with special needs....Rett Syndrome, but I also have two other amazing children I wanted to share with you!  While the song, Her Climb is still very special to us, I felt the need need to change the blog name.

Below is my very first post from when I first entered the world of blogging....please  continue reading, but I wanted to clarify the name change for you!  Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you will continue to follow this blog, as well as my other one!

I can not believe that I actually decided to do a blog about my daughter and not only her life with Rett syndrome, but how our family lives day in and day out with Rett syndrome.  And I couldn't think of a better morning to start than today.  Anna Cate, my darling daughter who lives with Rett syndrome, woke up at 3AM for the day and then two hours later, my youngest, Eli, woke up throwing up all over daddy! 

And you are probably wondering why I have chosen the lyrics to Miley Cyrus's song, The Climb,  to be the first thing that you read when you are on my blog.  There are two reasons. 

First and foremost, Anna Cate loves Hannah Montana, aka, Miley Cyrus.  Seriously we watch her every day and believe it or not our entire family has one whole dvd of 4 episodes memorized.  Even our three year old!  As I type this we are watching our favorite one and he is repeating every word they are saying at the same time!  Hannah Montana gets Anna Cate to calm down if she is upset and makes her happy.  It is that simple, it makes her happy!

Second, the words to The Climb, couldn't be more perfect to describe Anna Cate and her daily struggles with Rett syndrome and how they affect her.  Rett syndrome affects everyone differently and we are blessed that Katie has a mild mutation of this syndrome.  

The struggles she faces are the fact that she can not speak like a typical 9 year old, she can not use her hands functionally like a typical 9 year old, she has to have supervision throughout the day unlike a typical 9 year old, she needs help eating unlike a typical 9 year old, she needs help walking up and down stairs unlike a typical 9 year old, and she can not get dressed like a typical 9 year old.

But every day she takes chances and tries to do what her peers are doing, whether it is fighting to hold her cup herself, practicing to hold her crayons and other art supplies, practicing cutting with scissors, practicing feeding herself with the proper utensil, practicing typing on her keyboard and practicing to say new sounds and words.  And she loves to learn and wants to learn the same things in school that her peers are learning. Some days she can do it easily and others it is a day of frustration.    But with frustrations she doesn't stop trying because she wants to get over that mountain and gain another skill that she can check off her list!  

While watching her struggle and try so hard breaks our hearts, seeing her win and accomplish the climb to the top is priceless, as the view is amazing!


  1. Found you! Following you!!! And loving what I'm reading so far...The Climb is such a special song, great choice to have as your anthem! :)

  2. Love the new look and title of your blog! Just beautiful!
